Lake Trails Staff Application – Returning Staff

    Laketrails Staff Application - Returning Staff

    Laketrails does not discriminate in hiring or employment on the basis of race, religion, sex, national origin, age, or non-job related medical conditions. No questions in this application are intended to secure information to be used for such discrimination. Please contact us at 800-450-6460 if you have questions about the application or interview process.

    General Information

    First Name

    Last Name

    Email Address

    Select Gender

    Date of Birth (if under 21)

    Current Address

    Phone Number

    Permanent Address

    Permanent Phone


    Check all that apply. Proof of certification and expiration dates are required upon employment.

    ARC Basic First AidARC or AHA CPRWilderness First AidARC LifeguardingWFR/WEMT/EMTARC/ACA Small Boat SafetyARC/ACA SailingARC/ACA CanoeingARC/ACA KayakingRN/LPN

    State of License (if RN/LPN is checked)

    Other Certifications

    Current School or Employment

    Company Name

    Company Address

    Supervisor's Name

    Supervisor's Phone

    Position Held

    School Name

    School Address

    Major Field of Study

    Year in School

    Describe any awards or special recognition that you have received:

    New skills, hobbies, or special interests you have acquired:

    Please describe something you've done at work or school which has made you especially proud:

    Please explain why you desire re-employment with Laketrails: